Friday 16 March 2012

Sitting atop the cistern, disguising the spare loo roll within

Crocheted shorts, £36 Topshop.

People in the sixties and seventies were unaccountably coy about having toilet rolls on display.  They got around this by buying a tiny dolly and crocheting a very long voluminous dress for it.  The legs of the dolly (usually the chubby sort which came affixed to a card from the newsagents*) were then inserted into the cardboard tube, the skirt charmingly draped around the roll, and hey presto, no-one could possibly guess you had something so vulgar (good God!) as a lavatory in the house.

Here is a garment which perfectly captures that bewildering combination of shame, half-assed pretension to refinement and home knits so reminiscent of the seventies.

I also detect a hint of ungulate tarsal in the gusset.

*No, I don't know why toys like this were on sale in the newsagents - they certainly looked unappetising to my eight-year-old self, and I don't recall anyone buying them, apart from old ladies with bathroom requisites to conceal.

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