Saturday 27 August 2011

Holy chintz!

Once upon a time skirts like this were usually to be found on the more conservative rails of Marks and Spencer.  They were generally favoured by vicars' wives, who wore them with a toning sweatshirt, the collar of their pink Airtex shirt jauntily folded over the neck.  The comparative youthfulness of the sweatshirt gave them automatic seniority running the youth club, while the skirt reassured the verger that Mrs Vicar was perfectly capable of turning out a good scone, thank you very much.

Quite why there has been some sort of Christian revival at Miss Selfridge is an investigation beyond the purview of this blog.  You can be quite sure I won't be putting £32 in the collection plate, though.

PS  Many vicars' wives saw sense at last (or saw Grease) and ran off, leather-clad, with burly truckers, while the vicar, freed from the shackles of marriage, took up cottaging in earnest.

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